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Growing a Community

Land Uses and Development Components Plan

Buntingford, Parkside will build a community for Buntingford providing a support network of new amenities to meet current and emerging needs for both the existing and new residents of Buntingford.

Scroll over the pictures to see what these proposals could provide for Buntingford:

The community uses onsite will complement the existing Buntingford services and will benefit the local community by providing:

Facilities and services to serve the community

The scheme will be supported by the delivery of a significant level of services and facilities to serve the new and existing residents of Buntingford. This includes a mixed-use local centre within the development, well-connected to the existing town, including a new First School, a potential new Healthy facility, and flexible commercial spaces which could include local retail, café, nursery, and small business units. The local centre could also feature a community hub and a mobility hub and will be designed to allow for flexibility in uses to ensure the long-term sustainability of the centre and support a variety of business and commercial offerings.

Connections with nature

The creation of a new Buntingford Park will benefit the whole town, with a mixture of spaces for the community to use, as well as for nature to thrive. The park will be served by green and attractive active travel connectivity within the park, and throughout the scheme, as well as the potential for improvements to local bus services too.

Meeting local needs

Buntingford, Parkside will deliver up to 600 new homes of a mix of types and tenures as required by local planning policy to assist in meeting local housing needs. In addition, there will be dedicated elderly accommodation to help meet the growing needs of older people in the town.

Supporting the local economy

The scheme proposes employment land to provide much-needed space for businesses in Buntingford to expand, as well as attracting new businesses and employment opportunities in the town. This creates the opportunity for more residents to work locally, reducing out-commuting.

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