A Healthy and Sustainable Place
Our vision takes an ambitious approach to sustainability across all aspects of the design. The masterplan design has incorporated numerous sustainability elements, including renewable energy generation, community facilities, active travel and ecological enhancements. In addition, measures to ensure the community is climate resilient will ensure the scheme is future-proofed.
All of the homes on site will meet the ‘Future Homes Standard’ that is due to be implemented in 2025. This requires all new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency.
Community facilities, with the inclusion of a Local Centre, First School, employment opportunities, and a potential health facility ensure access to services and amenities for residents and support active travel, health and wellbeing.
The masterplan is designed to encourage sustainable transport, with accessibility to the town through a number of walking and cycling routes, as well as internal accessibility that makes sustainable travel an attractive option.
The site is not in a designated flood zone, and the adoption of SuDS, designed to account for 1 in 100-year events plus an allowance for climate change, ensures water is sustainably managed in the proposal.
The proposal will protect and enhance biodiversity, using climate-tolerant species where possible. New greenspaces and the enhancement of existing vegetation and woodland will further contribute to the biodiversity of the site.
The sustainability strategy includes:
Provide for high quality homes
Cater for a wide diversity of needs
Appropriate residential density that varies appropriate to the area
Future-proof design that embeds adaptability and flexibility into society
Provision of affordable housing, and elderly accommodation
Relationship to landform
Social sustainability and sense of community
Homes / buildings compliant with Future Homes Buildings Standards
A resilient, adaptable, and highly sustainable energy and carbon strategy.
Smart-energy capable housing
Highly efficient building fabric to reduce energy bills
Extensive use of renewable energy generating technologies across the site such as in the form of Air Source Heat Pumps and/or Solar PV
Potential deployment of a large solar array that will generate c.4,930 MWh of clean energy for the grid.
Supporting the local economy through the provision of flexible business spaces well connected to sustainable transport
Provide a diverse range of flexible business spaces that meet local needs
Employment opportunities for residents
Employment well-connected and easily accessed by walking/cycling
Active & Sustainable Travel
Create strong, comprehensive, network of active travel routes to Buntingford
Convenient access to public transport that integrates with existing routes
Bridging the gap through potential new pedestrian/ cycling connections across the A10 and A507
Access to the wider countryside
Relationship to landform
Access to local green infrastructure and wider countryside infrastructure
Local Centre
Provide facilities that complement (not compete) with the existing offer
Provide key community uses
Create a legible new community with civic space at its heart
Relationship with existing buildings
Link to schools
Sense of community
Key uses: community/ retail/ education
Green Infrastructure
New “Buntingford Park” and potential accessible green loop
Access to wider countryside
Open space features/ Interconnected “Viewing Points”
Outdoor leisure provision
Outdoor sports provision
Some areas to be “wildlife havens”
Encourage active lifestyles
Green infrastructure as a placemaking tool
Create a distinct new place shaped by its context
Adaptable/locally informed placemaking
Safe, secure and inclusive design
Spaces to adapt over time
Design with emphasis on management not maintenance
Design with landscape and micro-climate
Community Facilities
Accessible, safe and convenient for all
Prioritise sustainable travel
Provision of flexible spaces
Provide range of play, sport and recreation opportunities
Create a variety of places and spaces usable throughout the year
Provide opportunity for social interaction (communal gardens, allotments) and community facilities generating employment
Provision of a new school
Link to and relationship with the existing school provision in the wider town
Integration of sport facilities provision with school
Building social sustaibility and sense of community
Blue Infrastructure
A network of sustainable drainage designed with the topography and landscape
Integration of blue infrastructure in the habitat network
Use of water in strategic habitats
Working with site topography and natural features, including existing woodland, hedgerows and watercourses
Early implementation of on-site initiatives to support Biodiversity Net Gain
Create a network of varied and connected habitats
Integration of nature with development
Food growing opportunities supporting biodiversity net-gain